1.   If you are considering going on secondment during term time it is obviously important to minimise disruption to the teaching programme.

2.   Of course no bright young thing who wants to make a quick buck would consider going into the ministry.

3.   He considered going to the House, or Whitehall, looking for Morton or someone else he-knew.

4.   Corden said he would consider going back on to the board if a new chairman extended an invitation.

5.   Would you consider going to a doctor if he developed any mental instability?

6.   As a free agent last summer, Houston never considered going elsewhere because he believed the Knicks would always be winners.

7.   As for Northridge, it never considered going after the NBA crowd.

8.   As part of the refinancing, Interstate is considering going to the public markets.

9.   At the suggestion of some friends, he considered going into management.

10.   At the time he was seriously considering going into secular moviemaking.

v-ing going >>共 391
keep 26.25%
get 13.55%
have 7.12%
be 5.22%
start 5.20%
stop 2.99%
consider 2.57%
avoid 1.88%
see 1.70%
end_up 1.56%
consider v-ing >>共 606
taking 2.89%
buying 2.47%
selling 2.33%
making 2.26%
moving 2.13%
leaving 1.91%
using 1.82%
running 1.67%
sending 1.53%
giving 1.44%
going 1.17%
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